Resources, Tutorials and Downloads

On this page you will find the latest version of LemonTree, as well as numerous and freely available tutorials to help you get started in the world of LemonTree.

Software Download

Download the latest version of LemonTree and try the
No. 1 model versioning tool for 30 days free of charge.

Managing different versions of the same model. LemonTree is the Plug & Play model versioning tool (Diff & Merge) that revolutionizes the work of a distributed modeling team and supports compliance with required standards such as ISO 26262.

LemonTree Automation is a server-based version of LemonTree without user interface. This LemonTree version can automatically compare or merge models. When merging, it will try to automatically merge a given set of models and indicate the success via an exit code.

30-Day-Trial Version

You may evaluate LemonTree.Connect for Enterprise Architect for 30 days without a license. By downloading this file, you automatically agree to our Terms and Conditions. Download the latest version of LemonTree.Connect codebeamer and
LemonTree.Connect Polarion.


Continuous Integration with Enterprise Architect

In the course of the increasingly agile orientation in software development, our customers ask us
again and again whether modelling and agility go well together. Our opinion on this is quite clear
and has also been proven in various studies: Only with properly applied modelling can agile processes be implemented at all in the face of increasing complexity, if you also want to document all regulations and requirements in a comprehensible way. As an example, we want to deal in this text with „Continuous Integration“, which has been state of the art in classical software development for some time. The aim is to continuously compile, test and merge the software product to be developed. In addition, the status of the development is published regularly: internally a stable development status, externally an official release of the software.

LemonTree 3.0

When LieberLieber launched its product LemonTree four and a half years ago, its success story was not yet foreseeable. However, as the trends in software and system development continued to intensify, LemonTree 3.0 now opens up completely new possibilities for product line development, use in the supply chain and team-based modelling.

LemonTree 3.0

The most important features at a glance.

Configuration Management: The most important use cases

Software Configuration Management makes changes in the development of complex
systems controllable and traceable. In the course of time some methods were developed.

NATO relies on Enterprise Architecture

With the aim of modernising its business and IT landscape, NATO is relying on the recently introduced NAFv4 framework. The german Bundeswehr and the Swiss Army have chosen Enterprise Architect (Sparx Systems) as their standard modelling tool to use this framework with the UAF Metamodel.

 Videos and Webinars

Webinar: Lowcode with Enterprise Architect Codebot and LemonTree

Lifecycle Management in MBSE – Reusing Model Assets in Agile Model-based Systems Engineering (DE)

Lemontree 3.0 Fresh Model Versioning


Webinar: Configuration Management in MBSE

LemonTree Feature Spotlight: Revision Graph in Git with Enterprise Architect Models

Webinar: Modeling based on Feature Branches


Getting Started

Everything you need to know about getting started with LemonTree.
Read more about: Getting started with LemonTree

LemonTree Licensing

When starting LemonTree for the first time, the licensing dialog opens. Here you have the option between a trial which you can immediately start, or to enter a key.
Read more about:
LemonTree Licensing

VCS Integration

LemonTree can be seamlessly integrated into existing versioning systems, such as Subversion, Git or PTC. This enables the centrally and automatic management of model versions.
Read more about: VCS Integration


LemonTree and GitFlow

LieberLieber recommends GitFlow when working collaboratively with models under SourceControl.
Read more about: GitFlow

Setting up a Git Repository for the LemonTree EA Addin Git Features

While LemonTree is usable with any Enterprise Architect Model stored almost anywhere, using the Git Features provided by the LemonTree EA Addin requires the opened model to be added to a Git Repository.
Read more about: Setting up a Git Repository

Working with Feature-Branches in a Subversion Environment

While our recommended workflow for utilizing LemonTree is combining it with GitFlow (see here for details: LemonTree and GitFlow), we realize that not everyone has the possibility to switch their entire workflow to utilize it.
Read more about: Working with Feature-Branches


Certification Kit for ISO 26262

The LieberLieber ISO 26262 Certification Kit makes certification much easier for companies. For the tool
environment and the restrictions, use cases and error scenarios considered in this document, LemonTree achieves
a “tool confidence level” TCL of 1 and can be used up to ASIL D without further tool qualification steps.

Do you need help with LemonTree?

Visit our LemonTree Help-Page


Would you like to try LemonTree today? Request the trial version or Web demo!
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