Thank you for your great interest in our solutions and the interesting discussions at TdSE 2024! Perhaps you also tasted our special drink ‘Freshen up’, which we served for the first time at our stand.
In the well-attended tool vendor project, we presented a unified approach that combines feature modelling and feature-branch-based MBSE to perform variant management in an Enterprise Architect model. Pure::variants transforms the complete system model into variant models, which are subsequently managed in Git with LemonTree. It was shown how a system model with the 150% approach can be described with pure::variants and versioned via LemonTree and Git. We gave an insight into the pure::variants-Enterprise Architect connection and explained how to maintain changes between variant models with LemonTree and Feature Branches.
New approach to MBSE teaching
In the presentation ‘Improving MBSE education through version control and automated feedback’, which we gave together with the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, we presented a completely new form of MBSE teaching. Vince Molnár teaches MBSE with a groundbreaking paradigm shift towards automated quality criteria and review of source code changes. Last term, with the support of LieberLieber, he used Enterprise Architect, GitHub with SmartGit and LemonTree with great success for the first time in a course with over 80 students.
Read the full text here:

The LieberLieber stand at this year’s TdSE with our new specialty drink “Freshen up”.