After last year’s great success, LieberLieber is organising the MBSE Summit for the second time from 5 – 6 June 2023. The venue will again be the “Internationale Akademie Traunkirchen” (Traunsee/Upper Austria), which has proven to be a great place for in-depth discussions and magnificent views. Take advantage of the one and a half days in beautiful surroundings to listen to interesting presentations, discuss MBSE, share experiences in working groups and celebrate with us! Strengthen the growing MBSE community and enrich the exchange between science and industry. With Ed Seidewitz, one of the intellectual fathers of model-based development of software and systems has been won for a keynote. He will talk about the “Development of an important standard for modelling languages: How we got to SysML v2 and where we are headed next”.
Find the whole programme here and register right away: