With LemonTree.Connect Polarion as exhibitor at the Polarion4u Days 2024 in Hamburg

As part of the LieberLieber LemonTree family, LemonTree.Connect makes it possible to establish traceability between requirements from an Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) tool and architectural elements in Enterprise Architect. Some time ago, Siemens, developers of Polarion Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) and LieberLieber presented their joint solution, thereby establishing their partnership in Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE). Polarion ALM supports more than 10,000 companies worldwide in developing complex software applications faster and with even higher quality.

Dr Konrad Wieland, CEO of LieberLieber, comments: ‘The exchange of data between Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) and the Enterprise Architect modelling platform is becoming increasingly important, especially in the field of MBSE. For this reason, we decided to offer powerful, state-of-the-art ALM connectors as part of the expansion of the LemonTree family. We were therefore delighted to accept the invitation from our MBSE partner Siemens to present our LemonTree.Connect Polarion solution at the Polarion4u Days. The great interest there confirms our strategy of constantly developing and expanding our range of connectors.’

Konrad Wieland

Dr. Konrad Wieland
CEO of LieberLieber

LemonTree.Connect – The modern connection between ALM and Enterprise Architect

LemonTree.Connect is a plug & play product that synchronises requirements, model attributes, links and references between ALM tools and Enterprise Architect. Users can more easily navigate back and forth between the two platforms while the model data is synchronised. Together, LieberLieber and its ALM partners provide a comprehensive solution that establishes traceability between requirements from the ALM tool and architectural elements from Enterprise Architect. This technology, combined with LemonTree for diff and merge, enables version control, comparison and merging of architecture models. It also establishes traceability between imported requirements from the ALM tool and architectural elements in Enterprise Architect.

Find more information about LemonTree.Connect in our folder


The main features of LemonTree.Connect


  • Seamless view between Enterprise Architect and the ALM tool through the synchronisation of model elements, diagrams or traces
  • Consistency of data, relationships and processes across all tools by eliminating error-prone manual integration processes
  • Traceability between imported requirements from the ALM tool and architectural elements in Enterprise Architect allows access to the latest and complete information for each requirement in the development process
  • Enables response to changes to requirements in the ALM tool that affect the system architecture in Enterprise Architect